Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stewarts a baby, NASCAR is politics and I'm screwed

Man what a bad call by NASCAR. Well what else do you expect from an organization that is known for its politics. Tony Stewart one of the reigning babies of the sport blocked the whole race. So when he blocks for his last time on the front stretch yards away from the finish line and he gets passed. NASCAR rules the pass illegal, what a bunch of BS. The one that did the passing, Smith had the victory taken away from him. He was “forced bellow the yellow,” which makes it legal but because it was Tony Stewart so it must be his win or NASCAR would implode.

Hopefully I can get some work done on my Senior Sem, which might be an online publication. It should be fun if I can keep the steam hot and my interest along with others interests high too.

Only if I can keep up with everything else. I have a meeting with the advisor and editor for the newspaper about the online edition not be up to date. “Oh yippe,” I get to sit in a meeting and get yelled at for 20 minutes, cant wait.

Wow, I’m a little pessimistic on my blog, don’t worry it will get a little happier soon enough.

1 comment:

Nahed Eltantawy said...

since you're so passionate about this topic, I hope you do end up writing about it! Sounds like an odd/unusual story, would be great to expand on the whole thing; maybe add opinions of fans, etc.