Sunday, November 23, 2008

A, B, C and hopefully not D

Okay, so I’ll give you a break this time. Hopefully it won’t take you 7:46 minutes to read this, were it was 7:46 minutes to watch me babble on. I just returned from the Alpha Phi Omega Co-ed Service fraternity fall camping trip and…..not ready to get back to work.

But unfortunately I have to. So my profile is off to a slow and late start like so many things I work on. I have a couple back up plans, but there is a reason they are my back up plans – I don’t want to do them. Brian Cleary told me during my internship about how he prepares for one of the specific features (Chow/restaurant review or Tunes/music review; for instance). He prepares with an A, B, C and when he can a D plan. “Trust me I had to use that D plan once,” is what he said to me.

So back to my A story – I walked into the Café the other day with a camera around my shoulder. A worker approached me and asked me some awkward questions about my photography experience. It was a little weird at first; only because of how he phrased his word, “So! You think you’re a photographer….huh?!” He began to tell me of what he photographs: Ghosts. “I mean full images of [figures], head to toe. Where others will only do parts,” he said using some terminology that made him seem legit.
We had just finished the story about a journalist following some ghost hunters. It flashed into my head for only a second, but I did not want to do it at the time, for minuscule reasons.

He is going to be talkative about stuff I will be skeptical to believe – it comes with the territory of being a journalist. All in all this will be a learning experience. If and only if, I can find this guy in time. I left in such a hurry for this weekend I did not have time to try and find him, but that’s what back up plans are for. Let’s just hope I don’t reach D this time.


Nahed Eltantawy said...

so glad to finally be reading and not watching your blog :P
As I mentioned in class, I really like this profile figure you've chosen. I have seen him so often in the cafeteria, so hopefully, it won't be hard to find him.
Good luck on that and in the worst case, I am relieved you have some back up plans!! :)

Kiserj05 said...

I had to go through with one of my backup plans because Darnell, the one in the cafe, took off a few days early for break.
I did a student, I know I was not supposed to, but she has a unique story. She has been surveying with Lime disease for a few years now. At the moment all of the work is done except for the final copy of the story.