Sunday, September 21, 2008

This has been another long week. Last night was fun to be home and out with my old friends. But I had to miss out on seeing Katie Tana who graduated last year, because I had to stay home. It always seems that I am over booked. I don’t think I do too much it just always seems I am doing things that happen at the same time. Like meetings during class time or promise a favor while forgetting I had something to do at that time (like yesterday, sorry Robert Reid).

Well anyway I am more excited about the upcoming assignment than the previous one. My location is a place I have always wanted to go. The Dagon’s Tail aka Deal’s Gap. It is 118 turns in 11 miles. All kinds of motorcycles and high end cars visit this spot because of it’s amazing views and hellasish turns. It is scary to say the least. I know an older fellow who rides motorcycles who has visited this place many many times who I can talk to about it. None of this media is mine unfortunately.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Now what?

Another long week begins with another all nighter. Because I missed class last week I did not get the homework assigement but by God's graces I happen to talk to Bryan and he told me what needed to be done. I realized a couple weeks ago that I need to do something. I have too full of a plate. Do fewer things to my best rather than do a bunch of things half assed. But then I want to say NO, my father didn't raise me to be lazy. I need to work harder, thats how he raised me, to be a hard worker. I need to get more organized and work hard. If I died tomorrow how would I be remembered? The kid who came to class late with homework done only half the time, or the kid who quit the Chronicle half way through the semester? No I need to work harder, maybe.....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A long first week

It has been a long week and it is far from over. The week is ending but my work is still going strong. It's Sunday and we were supposed to have these blogs done by now or a lot sooner but.... I waited until now. I made myself sick from no rest and now have a horrible cold. I have the cover story for YES Weekly due on Wedesday and still have a lot of work to do including calling a man to watch a NASCAR race with him today. I really feel awkward doing it but my other plan feel through leaving me no option. I have the calender to make for them a long with this blog homework, art homework and the stranger assigment which also makes me feel awkward but I think I found someone, I hope! It's funny becasue we talked in class the other day about where we get ideas from and one of the main places was fro mour editor and thats exactly where I found my stranger. The Campus Chronicle's editor happens to be a forgein exchange student. I had searched and searched to find someone off campus and interesting but settled with a student because all my other leads stopped short. And sorry but I am going to have to stop short myself and try to call the guy I need to watch the race with tonight. Hopefully I will be back to sign off for the long day but I can't even think about the end of the day yet, just whats next.