Sunday, September 21, 2008

This has been another long week. Last night was fun to be home and out with my old friends. But I had to miss out on seeing Katie Tana who graduated last year, because I had to stay home. It always seems that I am over booked. I don’t think I do too much it just always seems I am doing things that happen at the same time. Like meetings during class time or promise a favor while forgetting I had something to do at that time (like yesterday, sorry Robert Reid).

Well anyway I am more excited about the upcoming assignment than the previous one. My location is a place I have always wanted to go. The Dagon’s Tail aka Deal’s Gap. It is 118 turns in 11 miles. All kinds of motorcycles and high end cars visit this spot because of it’s amazing views and hellasish turns. It is scary to say the least. I know an older fellow who rides motorcycles who has visited this place many many times who I can talk to about it. None of this media is mine unfortunately.

1 comment:

Nahed Eltantawy said...

it sounds like a really unique place and I can't wait to read the entire feature on it.
As I mentioned in class, just make sure to have several potential sources in mind, so that you get multiple opinions on this place.
Also, provide sufficient description of the place and if possible, images to go with it.
Good luck!!